Monday, December 31, 2007

World Thoughts on New Years Eve

Hello World;

During the summer we went to the ALA (American Library Association) conference and were we met and listened to a great Muslim author her name is Irshad Manji. We were both moved by her bravery and her book. Tonight we were talking about Pakistan and Benazir Bhutto and we thought we would see what Irshad Manji had to say about this situation on her website. We thought that we would share her website with all of you.

Happy New Year to you all,
Cheers Delaina and Kristin


TreBeck said...

I love you girls. I hope you had a wonderful time ringing in the New Year. You are the best sisters. I love you both very much.

Miller Family said...

It was also really sad to read about Bhutto's death. One or both of you might have told me about that muslim author but I didn't know her name or anything. So I will google her right now and find out about her. You both have met such amazing people from all walks of life. I guess its just another testament to how amazing both of you are!

Miller Family said...

So I read a little bit from Irshad Manji's website. What an amazing and courageous woman she must be. Her book looks really neat as well. That really must have been a wonderful moment when you both met her.