Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Love Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's Store in Surprise, Arizona

Hello World

For those of you who don't know this, I am here to confess that I just LOVE to shop at Trader Joe's grocery store. I am working on a list of why....

1. Smaller Store Size- You don't have to sift through every isle and walk miles just to shop for the week.

2. Less Choices Overall-- Yes this does not seem to make sense, but then really- how many different brands of one item do we need to look at?? If I want green beans, there are only 2 choices at Trader Joe's: One with carrots and yellow (or wax) beans and another that is simply green beans. I usually purchase a bag of each.

3. High Quality-- Ok maybe I am buying into the hype, but I feel as if I am getting higher quality because the folks at Trader Joe's have tried/tested and OK'd the items they sell. Unlike the bigger stores that simply stock every item available in the area.

4. Fantastic Return Policy -- While I usually LOVE everything that I have purchased at Trader Joe's, I have purchased a couple of items that I did not like. One was WAY to spicy and the other, well let's say that I obviously don't like all dried fruit. Anyway, I simply brought the items back to Trader Joe's and they gave me a refund of the price on my next purchase. Simple and easy!

5. Daily Samples-- We used to joke about bringing a travel mug to enjoy the coffee samples and how they need to have outdoor seating at the store, but I can say that I love that they sample their stuff! Not only do you get to "try before you buy..." with new products, but they also give you great ideas on how to serve their standard items as well. Recently we sampled their Corn Bread Mix and it was sooo yummy that I not only bought a box on the spot, but also purchased more during the Holidays.... delish!

Have a great day everyone!


TreBeck said...

I too LOVE Trader Joe's. It is my favorite place to get groceries. Their greek yogurt is my fav.! Love you both. Have a wonderful day!

Jules said...

I alsp love TJs - if they did not have them here in Cali I would be even more lost!