Hello World and Prof. Smith
Question 2 of this assignment is Where am I now?
Well, I feel that I am much more confidant with the computer in general than I ever have been before. I have a great deal of knowledge and historical references that make the computer much more friendly then ever before. I a familiar with terms and the internal workings of the hardware and how everything works together.
I have much more confidence building and publishing web content then ever before. I really understand what they are saying to me when I have to ask the OSCR folks (as I had to do many times during the group project) but I was also the one who went out and made our group the Wiki, knowing that the website would not be too far over my head. I even downloaded winSCP and Nvu on m home computer so that I can easily add to my web page whenever I would like to.
So I am much more confident and have much more general understanding of how the computer works, in fact I feel so much better when library patrons ask me computer questions and I no longer "always" have to get some one to help me out.
I am more willing to try new stuff as well. Hey I figure if all the kids are doing it why not??
Also this is a picture of another Mac out of my past, just for old times.... When I was at school in the dark ages, the yearbook staff all got to use these Macs and I thought they were the coolest!
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