Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogging Fools

Hello Everyone;

Kristin and I are suffering from over blogging, but you sure would not know that from this blog. Sorry about that. I cannot believe how long it has been since we have written anything here.

Between Kristin's job, our new house, and our other blogs we have just forgotten to write anything here. Shame on us.

So if you are wondering where we are spending our blog writing time...Living Trader Joe's ( is always a great place to find us and we even have a Facebook page ( Or maybe we are talking about our new home in an old place on our Kansas City (KC) Homeowner blog ( The newest blog is were most of my writing energies go and that is Tune In 2 Life ( which also has a Facebook Fan page (

My goal is to start writing on all of our blogs more but this one may still suffer. I will do my best however.

In the meantime. Thank you all for reading our blog and being a part of our lives.

Delaina & Kristin